🐧My site
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he/him + somewhere between 10-18 years old, english, filo

TW... self harm , blood, death, rape / sexual assault
yes... the things I like 🐱 kpop, anime, Pokemon, the colors black and green, cats | no... the things I don't like 😒 math, staying still, the color brown... (yeah that's it) |
byf... |
annoying, can be very clingy depending on the person, I am a minor, dms are always open, however, do not send inappropriate stuff |
dfi.. |
basic dfi criteria |
he/him + somewhere between 10-18 years old, english, filo

TW... self harm , blood, death, rape / sexual assault
ANIME! Demon Slayer, Black Clover, Attack On Titan |
GAMES! Mobile Legends, Pokemon game series (BR, GSC, RSE, FRLG, DPePl, BW, B2W2, XY, ORAS, SM, USUM, etc..) LOLWR (sometimes) |
STANLIST! Enhypen, TXT, SKZ, NCT dream |